Our Services


Although it is not unusual to get breathless when over-exerting yourself, finding that you have sudden or unexpected shortness of breath, or ongoing breathing difficulties, is often a sign that you have an underlying medical condition. It is therefore important to seek medical assessment of your breathlessness to determine whether you have a problem affecting your heart or lungs or whether there is another explanation for your symptoms.
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High Blood Pressure

Around one third of adults in the UK have high blood pressure with the chances that you have high blood pressure increasing as you get older. High blood pressure does not usually lead to any symptoms so it is not possible to know that your blood pressure is raised unless you have it measured. If high blood pressure is not treated it will increase the risk of a heart attack or stroke. It can also lead to breathlessness. Lifestyle changes can help lower your blood pressure and there are many medications to treat your high blood pressure.
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Chest Pain

Chest pain has many causes and most are not important but it can indicate a problem with your heart. Getting an accurate diagnosis of what is causing your chest pain is therefore important. Assessing your symptoms and arranging suitable tests to identify the cause of your chest pain will allow you to receive the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
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High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is produced by your liver and although it is an essential part of all your body cells, having too much cholesterol in your blood can adversely affect your health. As with high blood pressure you will usually not have any visible signs that you have raised cholesterol and the only way you will know is by a blood test. All adults over 40 should be tested for high cholesterol, though if you are at increased risk of elevated cholesterol levels, you will usually be tested sooner, as high levels narrow your arteries and make you more susceptible to a heart attack, stroke or peripheral vascular disease. While high blood cholesterol increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, it is possible to lower your cholesterol with the help of lifestyle modifications and medication.
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